
A Steel Chastity Belt 24/7 – John’s New Life

Just to clear up some­thing which I thought was pretty obvi­ous: yes, John is in a steel chastity belt 24/7 and I have the keys.

I’m not sure what in my last post led any­one to con­clude it was oth­er­wise, but that’s how it is (actu­ally, I tend to assume every­one is on the same page, so to speak, but I should be more aware and for­giv­ing of the fact that many of my read­ers are new every day – which is why they should read the bloody FAQ before bug­ging me!).

Any­way… back to 24/7.

Well, it’s almost 24/7 because, as I said, on days he goes out on his bike I unlock him for the dur­a­tion and then either lock him when he returns or he takes it in the shower for a clean and then we put it on when he gets out. It also seems to come off rather a lot at night because I like to tease him. Iron­ic­ally, hav­ing him locked up in a steel chastity belt makes me want him even more.

Which reminds me… I admit, I’m a little sur­prised at the response to yesterday’s news­let­ter and the now infam­ous teas­ing ses­sion I described.

I know I’ve vacil­lated about writ­ing about the pruri­ent details, but I finally got round to it and put it in the News­let­ter. I don’t have any par­tic­u­lar objec­tion to writ­ing about it… it’s just that I don’t think it’s really con­gru­ent with the rest of the mes­sage I want the Blog to convey.

So the News­let­ter is the per­fect place for it.

And it seems like I made the right call because I’ve been inund­ated with emails ask­ing for more updates like that, beg­ging me to write fic­tion (yes, it’s com­ing) and more than a few telling me they wished their wives and girl­friends would treat them the same way.

Yes, John is a lucky man; but then, I feel I’m a lucky lady, too.

I even had one chap offer to come and live with us as my slave – being abso­lutely clear about the fact he wants noth­ing more than to be locked up in a steel chastity belt like John’s and treated badly – no sex, no romance, no teasing.

Oh my.

I don’t have the heart to be mad at him, because he was so polite and such a sweet man. But I’ll still pass on that one even though I’d bet a pound for a penny John would just laugh and tell me to get on with it if I wanted to do that.

Another fel­low, much, much younger this time, thinks I should open a place for weekend-retreats, as I’ve writ­ten before.

Now that I really have thought about and it’s per­haps some­thing for the future, say in the 2 to 5 year times­cale. It’s cer­tainly not some­thing I’ll be doing in the imme­di­ate future, but I’d not rule it out. If I did it, I’d want to make it per­fect –a steel chastity belt included with the pro­gramme fees?

I don’t know… because that then that adds com­plex­it­ies all of its own, so there’s a lot to think about to make it right.

For a start, there would have to be someone cap­able of mak­ing the afore­men­tioned steel chastity belt and then some arrange­ment for fit­ting and accli­mat­isa­tion before they arrived.

Because they’d leave locked and their wives would have the keys.

And then would a week­end be long enough?

Prob­ably not. Per­haps a week or more, like a boot-camp. Maybe some­thing like the OWK only a bit saner and less fanciful.

I do know it’ll be very exclus­ive, reas­sur­ingly expens­ive and only for ser­i­ous men and women with com­mit­ment, stam­ina and deep, deep pockets.

I must admit, it’s all a lot of fun to think about and John and I have talked about it a lot… you know, those long almost whim­sical talks you have after wine and love­mak­ing, when everything seems pos­sible? (Oh… and the moon­light glint­ing off John’s steel chastity belt as we lie cuddled up with the hot waves of my orgasm still cours­ing through me… sublime…)

But in reality?

I don’t know. One thing that does put me off is I can’t help but feel some of the men might start to think they are in some kind of “rela­tion­ship” with me.

This is one reason I don’t engage much with men who email me, and it’s prob­ably the main thing that stops me from offer­ing any kind of key­hold­ing service.

If I did, it would have to be one with ongo­ing sup­port, com­mu­nic­a­tion and coach­ing. Even though from my end it would be purely busi­ness, I think with the best will in the world the fel­low on the other end is must needs going to become emo­tion­ally involved with the whole thing. I think it would be almost impossible to be locked up in a steel chastity belt and not become emo­tion­ally attached in some way to the per­son hold­ing the keys.

And shit like that in my life I can well do without.

For the Retreats, this wouldn’t be a prob­lem because I wouldn’t allow single men – it’d be couples only and it would involve both of them.

Obvi­ously for key­hold­ing only single men would be inter­ested so there would be no point in hav­ing the same rule (on the con­trary, even though it’s pos­sible there are mar­ried men out there who want or need an extra-marital key­holder, that’d poten­tially be even more shit in my life I can well do without).

I con­fess… the thought of being Lady of the Manor, so to speak, would be rather nice. It would be most pleas­ing to have couples com­ing in at the begin­ning of the week or month and leav­ing with the man locked in a steel chastity belt, trained and under his wife’s thumb. Lord knows what they’d see in hav­ing a man like that, but from my per­spect­ive the pro­cess of help­ing them get what they wanted would be extremely satisfying.

Hell, a woman can dream, can’t she?

Which reminds me, brings me to a con­veni­ent point to stop (ironic turn of phrase) and also closes an open loop from fur­ther up the page: fic­tion and pruri­ent details of John’s teas­ing and, for want of a bet­ter word “ser­vice” now he’s in that there cold and uncom­prom­ising steel chastity belt 24/7 until Christmas.

Encour­aged by the responses, I’ll write more of that mucky stuff in the News­let­ter. Per­haps not every week, but enough to keep you quiv­er­ing and leak­ing, I’m sure.

And… I’ve finally thought of a way to make back-issues avail­able without put­ting them on the web­site proper and the details of how to get those I’ll share in the News­let­ter also.

And… the fic­tion. I’ll actu­ally leave you guess­ing with that. The first one will be com­ing out at the same time as the new Guide and will kill two birds with one stone.

See if you can fig­ure it out. Send me your answers and if you get it right, I’ll make sure you get the first story before any­one else does.

And now? Well, I’m aware I’m bab­bling a bit. Hungry, horny and tired.

It’s Sat­urday even­ing – so it’s chip shop, wine, DVD and then a good seeing-to for me!

